Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Kenya Pipeline HR Manager Job

HR Kenyan Jobs
Job Re-Advertisement: 
Human Resource Manager
1 Post
Reporting to the Chief Manager (HR & Administration)
Overall Job Purpose: Responsible for ensuring quality staff are attracted, retained and well developed, harmonious industrial relations maintained and existence of proper Human Resource strategies and policies which support business growth.
Job Profile
  • Provide professional leadership in the development and implementation of human resources plans and budgets, outlining activities to be undertaken, resource requirements, key performance measures and indicators as well as expected outcomes.
  • Conduct workforce analysis, determine optimum staff requirements and design organizational structure that maximizes synergies across functions to support the implementation of the approved strategic plan
  • Analyze organizational structures, business processes and workplace relationships in order to eliminate hierarchical layers and strengthen opportunities for increased collaboration through flexible work teams
  • Conduct job analysis in order to develop job descriptions and competency profiles to facilitate human resources planning, staff recruitment and selection, performance management, training and development, job evaluation and pay structure design as well as career planning
  • Coordinate the recruitment and selection process in order to ensure that Kenya Pipeline Company has a critical mass of qualified human resource with the required competencies necessary for implementation of functional strategic management plans
  • Develop and coordinate the implementation of staff induction and on-the-job orientation programmes aimed at providing new staff with relevant information about the technical and social aspects of their work
  • Assess training needs analysis and baseline attitude surveys in order to design and implement relevant training programmes aimed at building capacity by equipping staff with the necessary knowledge, skills and behaviour characteristics in line with the strategic plan.
  • Coordinate the implementation of the performance management system and ensure that individual and team performance is continuously monitored and measured against realistic but challenging targets aligned to the strategic direction by clearly defining performance measures and indicators, expected timeframe as well as resource requirements.
  • Oversee implementation of an effective human resource management information system for monitoring, tracking and evaluating employee activities including staff training, performance management and welfare programmes.
  • Oversee proper maintenance, storage and security of personnel records to ensure integrity of data and information related to human resources development programmes as well as administrative support services.
  • Coordinate resolution of employee grievances and disciplinary cases, recommending appropriate action to resolve problems as well as assisting employees to find satisfactory solutions to personal problems through counseling services.
  • Administer provision of employee welfare including workers compensation through the appropriate benefit schemes such as NHIF, NSSF, and other employee welfare programmes.
  • Develop and implement human resource policies and procedures aimed at enhancing workplace relations in order to gain employee commitment and improve morale by ensuring that employees are treated fairly, uniformly and equitably.
  • Confer with relevant professional bodies and government agencies on the interpretation and application of particular human resource management regulations that apply to public sector organization.
  • Provide technical leadership to multidisciplinary teams to enable them develop, implement and evaluate strategic management plans and budgets aimed at improving performance standards and organizational effectiveness.
  • Develop and implement strategies for creating a high performing organizational culture based on transparency, integrity, accountability, performance measurement and results to ensure that programme activities are undertaken on sound management principles and practices.
  • Initiate and participate in organizational performance reviews, and business process improvement programmes, as well as undertake special investigations aimed at improving organizational effectiveness.
  • Prepare monthly progress reports showing achievements of the human resources management function against planned targets as well as providing justification for performance variances and also defining areas of improvement.
  • Administer the government performance contracting system and assist the company, departments and individuals to achieve their targets.
Person Profile
  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences or Human Resource Management
  • Post Graduate Qualification in Human Resource Management
  • Minimum years ten (10) years relevant experience five (5) of which must have been at Senior Management Level in a large organization.
  • Membership to a relevant professional body e.g. IHRM, KIM.
Key Competencies
  • Strong leadership skills including effective interpersonal, communication, influencing and negotiation skills
  • Proven track record and ability to managing change and interpersonal conflict
  • Proficiency computer applications including computerized HR information systems and other relevant software packages
  • Ability to deliver the articulated vision for change to staff members. Creates a sense of urgency around change and motivates staff to join change efforts.
  • Ability to identify and clarify key underlying issues in employee problems and independently counsel staff on significant challenges facing the organization and negotiate resolutions to conflicts which seem to be at an impasse
  • Ability to monitor progress of a project against milestones or deadlines double-checks the accuracy of information to discover weakness or missing data and strive for high quality performance.
  • Ability to take personal responsibility for dealing with employee issues and concerns. Makes self fully available and takes actions beyond normal expectations.
  • Ability to maintain professional status and keep abreast of evolving trends in human capital development through continuing professional education programmes.
Suitably qualified candidates should apply in confidence to the address below by 23rd April 2014 enclosing CVs with full details of education background, professional qualifications, relevant experience and attaché copies of certificates.
Applications may also be deposited at our Head Office, Kenpipe Plaza, Ground Floor in the APPLICATION BOX or posted to:
The Managing Director
Kenya Pipeline Company Limited
P.O. Box 73442, 00200
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification

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